



来源:http://boruicy.com/     发布时间:2017-07-13  


  Cleaning liquid should be used to remove oil pollution and dust accumulation on the surface of Shandong ventilation pipe before cleaning. The cleaning liquid shall be neutral detergent which has no damage to the surface of the sheet, does not produce dust after drying and has no harm to the human body. Ventilation pipe production should be used after cleaning fluid cleaning, cleaning after the white cloth wipe check to meet the requirements, the phenolic plate, should be promptly sealed.

彩神VII  彩色涂层钢板风管的内壁应光滑;板材加工时不得损坏涂层,被损坏的部位应涂环氧树脂。风管的咬口缝、铆接缝以及法兰翻边四角缝隙处,应按设计及洁净等级要求,采用涂密封胶或其他密封措施堵严。

彩神VII  The inner wall of the color coated steel pipe shall be smooth, and the sheet shall not be damaged during processing, and the damaged parts shall be coated with epoxy resin. The four corners of the wind pipe, such as the bite joint, the riveted joint and the flange flanging, shall be sealed by the coating sealant or other sealing measures according to the design and cleanliness grade requirements.

彩神VII  密封材料宜采用异丁基橡胶、氯丁橡胶、变性硅胶等为基材的材料。风管板材连接缝的密封面应设在风管壁的正压侧。

  Sealing material should adopt isobutyl rubber, chloroprene rubber, modified silica gel as the base material. The sealing surface of the joint of the wind pipe plate shall be located on the positive pressure side of the air duct wall.


  What is the exhaust vent on the top of the pipe?

彩神VII  1、排烟口规格与设计规格不符,排烟量自然会减少。

  1, smoke exhaust specifications and design specifications inconsistent with the amount of smoke will naturally decrease.


  2, some fan installation and pipe installation dislocation, affecting the flue gas circulation.

彩神VII  3、排烟口都设在室外,为了遮雨和防止鸟类进入,一般都在排烟口上设有防鸟栏和遮雨百页,如设遮雨百页,阻力就大,还有的设在房间内,排烟口没有直接朝向窗口,而是对准墙面,就会影响到烟气的排出。

  3, the exhaust port are arranged on the outside, in order to prevent rain and birds enter, generally in the exhaust port is provided with an anti bird bar and rain 100 pages, such as a rain per page, resistance is large, there is no room, smoke directly toward the window, but on the wall, will affect the flue gas discharge.

彩神VII  4、检查时风速仪所放的位置、距离也可能对测量风速有一定的影响,造成测定的数据不准而影响到排烟量的计算。

  4, when checking, the position and distance of the anemometer may have some influence on the measurement of wind speed, which results in the inaccuracy of the measured data, and affects the calculation of the amount of smoke exhaust.


  5 、 pipe joint leakage of smoke, individual use inorganic or flame retardant glass fiber reinforced plastic pipe, in the smoke exhaust machine after opening even rupture.


  6, large resistance pipe, the pipe has some snakeskin bag, plastic film and other debris to clean up, some brick flue wall is not painted, not smooth, resulting in high resistance.

彩神VII  7、排烟风管上为了防震,一般都设有软接头,软接头与硬管相接不严密,常有漏烟气现象。

  7, in order to shock the smoke exhaust pipe, generally have soft joints, soft joints and hard pipe connection is not tight, often leakage smoke phenomenon.

彩神VII  8、管道规格不符,管道截面积与设计截面积应当相匹配,有的因与其他管道安装有冲突,而减少管道截面积,影响烟气通过量。

彩神VII  8, the pipeline specifications do not match, the cross-sectional area of the pipeline should be matched with the design cross sectional area, and some because of the conflict with other pipe installation, and reduce the cross-sectional area of the pipe, affecting the amount of flue gas through.

彩神VII  9、管道过长,弯头转角多,阻力大,影响烟气流速。

  9 、 the pipe is too long, elbow corner is much, and the resistance is big, which affects the flow rate of flue gas.


彩神VII  Shandong ventilation pipe processing company always adhere to the continuous management innovation and scientific innovation, will win the support and trust of customers with excellent quality and perfect customer service service, welcome new and old customers to visit our company to negotiate cooperation!
