



来源:http://boruicy.com/     发布时间:2017-07-19  


彩神VII  In a soot purifier, the electric field of the soot purifier has a potential difference of 10-15 kV between the poles of the soot purifier, so that the free gas molecules are decomposed or electronically attached to free ions. When the airflow passes through the dust collecting electric field, the particles move electrically to the collecting electrode with the opposite electrical charge. In other words, the first step in the collection mechanism is to ionize the gas, and the second step is to make the particles in the stream live. The third step is to cause particles to hit the collecting electrode plates and to be collected.


彩神VII  In theory, the power of a charged particle is proportional to the amount of charged particles and the strength of the electric field gathered. The size of the power is 3000 times the gravity of the L micron particle with a specific weight of 1: the 10 micron particle size of L is 300 times the gravity, which is the reason for the high efficiency and high efficiency of the soot purifier.


  1. The electric field modular design makes, the assembly is convenient, may assemble by the air volume, the assembly and disassembly is convenient, the overhaul is convenient.

彩神VII  2、的电场设计,精密、牢固的蜂窝式电场结构,360度无死角,使电场与油烟粒子结合作用的时间更长,净化更完全。

  2, advanced electric field design, precise and firm honeycomb type electric field structure, 360 degrees without dead angle, make electric field combine with lampblack particle longer, purify more completely.

彩神VII  3、进出风口可随意互换,方便现场安装需要(出厂时机器的进出风口已经设置好,如

  3. The air inlet and outlet can be interchanged at will. It is convenient for installation on site. (factory) the air inlet and outlet of the machine have been set up, such as

彩神VII  有需调配时请参考安装方法)。

  Please refer to the installation method when it is necessary to deploy.


彩神VII  4, the firing pin type connection, high safety coefficient, design a better connected pressure, open the door when the electric field will automatically power off.


彩神VII  5, high purification efficiency, stable operation, removal rate is higher than 85%, can remove most of the odor.


  This article is provided by the lampblack purifier, our website is: http://boruicy.com/, we will wholeheartedly provide you with better service, you are welcome to visit!
